James Burgess is Sandwich & Food to Go Designer of the Year

The annual Sandwich & Food to Go Designer of the Year competition has announced its 2024 winner. The competition celebrates the best-tasting, best-looking and most imaginative sandwiches and food to go creations from all over Britain. 

The winning entry came from James Burgess of Freshcut Foods whose California Prawn Roll proved to be a hit with the judging panel

Organised by the British Sandwich & Food to Go Association, the annual competition brings sandwich professionals from across Britain together and invites them to enter by creating an imaginative product highlighting the sponsor’s chosen ingredient and other food components of their choice. The 2024 competition included five categories sponsored by Futura Foods, Mona Dairy, H. Smith Food Group, Cottage Delight and JDM Food Group.

The chosen finalists battled it out live to create the best sandwich, which the expert judges, including Theo Randall, watched over and judged carefully. Category winners and the overall champion were then revealed last night by Theo during the Sandwich & Food to Go Industry Awards (also known as The Sammies) at the Royal Lancaster, London. 

Jim Winship, director of The British Sandwich & Food to Go Association, said: “Every year we taste some of the best sandwiches and food to go products being created across Britain and this year was no different! The designers pulled out all of the stops and some of the items in the competition really pushed the boundaries and showcased how with real skill you can make a taste sensation from just a few products! 

Jim continued: “James' creation stood out from the crowd. They’ve clearly spent time thinking about how each ingredient works together to make a fusion of flavours so that in every mouthful you’re in for a treat!”